The greatest gift that has ever been given is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! He left his heavenly home and came to this earth not to heal, feed the multitudes or even construct churches, but to seek and to save that which was lost. He said he would leave all the sheep just to go and find that one that was lost. Life has a way of throwing many curves and obstacles our way, but if Jesus Christ is first in our life, we can make it through whatever comes our way. The number one reason for the church is not to be a social club or a place to meet new friends, but to reach a lost a dying world with the word of God. If you have reached this page on our site and you do not PERSONALLY know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can make that change now!! Let me introduce to you the one that can change any life completely no matter where you have been or where you are JESUS! If you pray this prayer in faith believing and receive Jesus as your personal Lord and savior, please contact us and let us know.
Prayer: Dear Jesus I come before you a sinner. I believe that you came to this earth and that you bled and died for my sins. I believe that you rose again on the third day that I might have everlasting life. I ask you now to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins and become my master, Lord and savior. Thank you, father, for forgiving me and from this day forward I will never be the same.
Jesus is soon to return and take us home to be with him, but no man knows the day or hour he will come as a thief in the night. NOW is the time to be ready!!!